About Mamay Import and Export

Mamay Import and Export is Private Limited company established in the Benishangul Gumuz Regional State - Ethiopia, and have an office at Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia.

Mamay Import and Export is Subdivided into:

Mamay’s Commercial Farm

Comprises of the Technical Department Production and the Management Department

Mamay Miret Nega Import

Deals with Pre and Post Harvest Machinery


More About Mamay Import & Export

Our Businesses

Our company purpose is to deliver agricultural products of high and adequate quantity, with sustainable farming practice to customers and practicing environmental protection to the public.

Implement the original concept of owning 4 fully retail outlets in Ethiopia within the next 4 years and at least 10 outlets within 10 years.

This is a business destined to the primary sector from agricultural production, with the main goal of increasing the production of food and raw materials for the country’s textile industry, making Ethiopia more self-sustaining and less dependent on imports.

Technical Department Production

The production sector has a farm with a total of 3,000Ha where there are crops like; Cotton, Sorghum, Sesame, Corn and Soy. The farm is a pioneer in the implementation of mechanized production from Ethiopia, it works with an innovative system of production, improving the yield of the harvest per hectare and offering a better quality of life for its employees.

Management Department

This sector works focused on the management of the farm, seeking the best technologies on cropping and developing work systems based on the concepts of better quality of work systems based on the concepts of better quality of work, better management and production system and increased production.

Focused on the importation of pre and post harvest agricultural machinery for sale in the local market of Ethiopia, with the main goal of supporting the local farmer to improve and increase the production of his farm offering a complete solution in the implementation of mechanized agriculture in the agro-industry.

Pre–harvest Farm Implements

Focused work, offering complete solutions to the farmers, focusing on product quality, best service and after sales support with machines from Brazil for area of soil preparation, planting, crop management and harvesting.

Post–harvest Farm Implements

Focused work that offers complete solutions to farmers and agribusiness processing, focusing on product quality, better service and after sales support with machines and projects from Brazil for grain storage facilities area, such as silos, factories for extraction vegetable oil, mills for flour, factories for animal feed mill and warehouse mechanization.

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Meet Our Team


Mr. Mamay Nega


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec euismod leo a nibh dignissim tincidunt.

+61 452 631 514
+251-91 106 7298


Mr. X

General Manager

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec euismod leo a nibh dignissim tincidunt.

+61 452 631 514
+251-91 106 7298


Mr. Y

Sales Manager

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec euismod leo a nibh dignissim tincidunt.

+61 452 631 514
+251-91 106 7298


Mr. Z

Public Relations

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec euismod leo a nibh dignissim tincidunt.

+61 452 631 514
+251-91 106 7298